Saturday, 14 June 2014

#2 Rarest/Famous Jammers

1.  VisuallEffect ( Rare and a bit famous)

One of the rarest jammers. He had the rarest beard ( orange) which was the rarest item. He is also quite famous for having that beard and people love to hang out with him as he had that beard. That beard made him a lot of fame and rariness so did  he quilifies in top 5 rarest jammers and top 10 famous jammers but then he traded it :/.

2. Infinitymagicheroisback (Famous)

One of Beppers best friend. He and her have their own Animal Jam exotic. He is also famous for his channel for beinng Beppers and Gummy Unicorns best friend. Not very known in Jamaa and not very rare.

3.GummyUnicorn (Quite Rare and Famous)

Very known jammer around jamaa. She should be 1st in this list but i totally forgot about her XD. She is rare and very famous for being Julian2 friend.  Although she is rare she does not qualify for being in top 10 rarest jammers. People love to play with her and she makes video very often.

4. Twinkle0122AJ (Little Rare and Famous)
Known Jammer who does Animal jam Videos on her Channel. She is nice and people love to be buddies with her! She is rare and does own lot of betas. She got the blame for hacking Julian2 as she and lilac knew his password but this information might not be 100% true (just some rumors i heard).

5. Wolfy Chica ( Rare and quite famous)
She is VERY rare she has founders, black spike and spaceship grey and LOADs more. She does qualify for top 10 rarest jammers. She is also quite famous because xxverykindguyxx mentioned her in a video.

6. XxVeryKindGuyXx (Famous)
He is quite popular for being Julian2's friend. He does not own that much betas or rares. He gets some good items from mailtime.

7.   Nala1211( Little Rare)
She has some good betas and rares. She does not quilify for top 10 rarest jammers but people love to hang out with her because she has black spike.

8. filipk2012 (Little rare)
He has long purple spike and quite a lot of den betas. He does not quilify in top 10 rarest jammers. People love to  be buddies with him just because he has spike.

9. Kurleyy (Kinda famous)
She is very kind and she  is little famous. People love to be with her when they see her.

10. Meian (Little rare and little famous)
He has famous blog and gets mailtime. He has some den betas.

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