Saturday, 20 September 2014

Sunday, 15 June 2014


Yes they are back in the shop.  I bought like 10 of them XD. They will probabily be limited time so buy as many as you can XD.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Tips: How to get Rare short/long collar or wristband

So you all probably know that spikes are the most wanted items. They are not THE rarest items because there are hungreds of them in the game. So how to get one?

1.  Quickest and easiest way to get spike is by trading. People will only accept ovetrade such as beards or maybe more than that.  But diiferent colours mean more rarer item. This is the rare order
1. Black - FOUNDERS
2. Red   -Purple spike and few betas
3. Purple- Gazelle horns (black) and a beta
4. Pink   - More than yellow sweets and betas
5. Yellow- Grey mechanical helmet and beta
6. Orange-Beta floors and walls( brick walls)
7. Green- Mech and a small beta

#2 Rarest/Famous Jammers

1.  VisuallEffect ( Rare and a bit famous)

One of the rarest jammers. He had the rarest beard ( orange) which was the rarest item. He is also quite famous for having that beard and people love to hang out with him as he had that beard. That beard made him a lot of fame and rariness so did  he quilifies in top 5 rarest jammers and top 10 famous jammers but then he traded it :/.

2. Infinitymagicheroisback (Famous)

One of Beppers best friend. He and her have their own Animal Jam exotic. He is also famous for his channel for beinng Beppers and Gummy Unicorns best friend. Not very known in Jamaa and not very rare.

3.GummyUnicorn (Quite Rare and Famous)

Very known jammer around jamaa. She should be 1st in this list but i totally forgot about her XD. She is rare and very famous for being Julian2 friend.  Although she is rare she does not qualify for being in top 10 rarest jammers. People love to play with her and she makes video very often.

4. Twinkle0122AJ (Little Rare and Famous)
Known Jammer who does Animal jam Videos on her Channel. She is nice and people love to be buddies with her! She is rare and does own lot of betas. She got the blame for hacking Julian2 as she and lilac knew his password but this information might not be 100% true (just some rumors i heard).

5. Wolfy Chica ( Rare and quite famous)
She is VERY rare she has founders, black spike and spaceship grey and LOADs more. She does qualify for top 10 rarest jammers. She is also quite famous because xxverykindguyxx mentioned her in a video.

6. XxVeryKindGuyXx (Famous)
He is quite popular for being Julian2's friend. He does not own that much betas or rares. He gets some good items from mailtime.

7.   Nala1211( Little Rare)
She has some good betas and rares. She does not quilify for top 10 rarest jammers but people love to hang out with her because she has black spike.

8. filipk2012 (Little rare)
He has long purple spike and quite a lot of den betas. He does not quilify in top 10 rarest jammers. People love to  be buddies with him just because he has spike.

9. Kurleyy (Kinda famous)
She is very kind and she  is little famous. People love to be with her when they see her.

10. Meian (Little rare and little famous)
He has famous blog and gets mailtime. He has some den betas.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Pink spikes ugh

Somepeople always decline over trades  for long pink its annoying me as im trying to get one for my friend :C over traders are a group of people who always say to people thats not fair and add or change..

Friday, 30 May 2014

Cami's frog story

Once upon a time the was a girl called Cami. Her dad worked for aj. Before Cami was born her dad choose a frog plushie. Cami called it Froggy. Cami went everywhere with Froggy. One day Cami was diagnosed with cancer. Her dad was really upset. The doctor told dad that she might not live.  While in hospital  Cami threw Froggy about the room. Then one day Cami passed away. After her death AJ decided to make a new den item so she cannot be forgotten. Today we all know Cami's frog as a beta which was sold in Beta Days. The story is still unknown to many jammers.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


      Keep Calm


          Love meh XD

Rarity Scan #4

Hello guys! Today im doing another Rarity Scan. Today its one of the best items for rare jammers. You guessed Rare spike collar. There are short and long versions of it and they come out in 8 different colours from rarest to least: Black, purple, blue , red , yellow , orange , green and pink. Long spikes are way better than short and could be worth firepit. Not many people wear short spikes just cuz of low rarity but the colours on short spikes are more better and real.  Rare Long Black Spiked Collar is worth very beta items suck as beta fountain, spaceship walls. There are also non rare spikes which u can buy them in diamond shop. As well as collars there is Rare wristbands which go on your animals leg. Most people dont wear them and instead elf bracelets which you can buy them in Horse Only Party. Spikes are probily AJ best item as so many jammers have them/ want them.

Things I would trade for Long Spiked Collar:

2 short spikes (certain colours)
BETA Firepit
Spaceship walls and moon dirt
Mira Statue or less
Yellow sweets or brick walls

                                                                 Rare long spiked Collars

#1 Rarest/Famous Jammers

1.  Julian2(Very famous and quite rare)
Very well known jammer. His youtube channel is succes for having over 55 000 subs! Julian2 is also quite rare as he has founders black long spike and more. However he does not qualify in top 5 rarest jammers.  People really like him and cause chaos when ever he is around jamaa.

2. SnowyClaw (Rare and famous)
One of Julian2s friend. She is very rare and qualify in top 10  rarest jammers. She got her fame for being Julian2's friend.  She is also the owner of AnimalJamSpirit which the biggest Aj blogg.

3. LilacPetal (Famous)
LilacPetal is very well known jammer around jamaa mostly cuz of Julian2. However she does not qualify in top 10 rarest jammers. Also she is known for quiting as she quit making videos more than other famous people. People love to hang out with her to look rare and famous.She also does mailtime!

4. Bepper/ Kosho (Famous and Rare)
Bepper is also a known jammer! She has a collection of beards which makes her quite rare. She also used to have/ still have Spaceship grey. She also makes transformice videos and her channel is a succes with having over 13 000 subscribers. She also does mailtime!

5. Wolfeycat  (Famous)
She is also a known jammer but somepeople might still dont know her. She is/was a friend of LilacPetal. She is not very rare and does not qualify in 10 rarest jammers but she has spikes rare claws etc.

So thats the 1st list for Rare/Famous jammers! If are famous/ rare comment and i will see your profile/ youtube channel! Bye


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Animal Jam Mystery Item/Rarity Scan #3!

Hello Jammers, another rarity scan and this one is a bit of a little one beacuse i dont know really much about the item that is on it. The item is very little known and no one has it i think. People are starting to think if they will come back? This item was in Beta Days and then it disapeared. AJHQ deleted it? IDEK :PP. So the item might come back but on the other hand it might not beacuse ajhq have never ever bringed back Beta Days item YET!!

What item was i talking about?

Write down in the comments below :D

Happy Jaming

Monday, 20 January 2014


Hello fellow jammers im doing a top hat give away! YAY!! Its my way of saying thx for all of the subscribers! All you have to do is subscribe and enter username and reason in the video*. Also very importand news my channel is gonna be redone !!

Friday, 3 January 2014

fman122 is BACK!!!!!!!

OMG i have really importand massage. Jammers must be SAFE when in aldan. fman122 caused viruses on animal jam during september 2013 known as fman122. Then silent came about him. No one knows when he will come back but he has another account fboy122!

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Top Hats

Hello and welcome to my 2nd Rarity Scan of the week. This week is The Top Hat. The main reason that I choose Top Hats is because many people think they are very good and beta. Thats not true! Yes it isnt. Top Hats were sold once in the shops. Now the only way you can get them is TRADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things i would trade for one :
1 silver or black rare bow
1 black nm sword
2 nm gloves( not silver or gold from epic wonders)

I have 1 Top Hat at the moment but not for trade! :)

Happy Jamming


Also coming soon:

AJMV- Roar by Katy Perry