Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Rare Scary Batwings GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!

Im doing a give away in Animal. Rare Scary batwings is not the best give away but people still send me 80 jam a grams! That was really good news for me! The give away winner is announces on christmas. If you didnt enter because you werent in my server dont worry i will do rare bow give away sooner or later. But make sure you jam a gram me to enter. It will not be mz choice, I will write down name of people on excel and post it on random name chooser.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Rarity Scan #1 worns

My thirst ever Rarity Item post! This one is about Worn Blanket! Some people think they are really good i agree with them! They might be won in adventure or sky high but it is very rare to get them. People usually trade them for rare bows.  Here is the list of the best worns:
1.Yellow- 3 rare bows(certain colours) and a little rare
2.Black- 2 rare bows(certain colours) and nm sword and glove(certain colour)
3.Blue- 2 rare bows and nm sword plus little rare
4.Green- 2 rare bows and nm sword
5.Pink/Red/Brown- 1 rare bow and little rare
6. Rare worn- Little rare

That is what  i think worns are worth? If you disagree with me write in down in the comments and i will improve


Sunday, 8 December 2013